Friday 17 June 2011 trading tips is the best ways for trading options (including video tutorials), an interesting theory on compounding option trading gains, and option trading resources.
             tradings gives you tremendous opportunity for huge gains. 500%+ gains are not unheard of at all. Also, the worst that can happen is your option goes to zero. It's not like other leveraged products like S&P 500 futures where you can lose more than what's in your account.
              decay in price over time. That's why so many pros want to sell them to ignorant investors looking for a quick buck. You better have one heck of an edge in option trading if you want to overcome this roadblock.
                       When we say “option”, it means the right but not the obligation in order to buy or sell a futures contract at a designated price. india meansYou need to buy options in the Indian stock market in order to bet on the price of the futures contract so that it goes higher or lower in trading purposes. So there are mainly two types of options – call option and put option.
